I feel compelled to contravene on the unwritten rules of broadcasting and push for the following two improvements to broadcasting: (1) Proposal #1 (for the major networks): Rather than having to endure (although I usually never do) the laborious, painful stream of commercials that appear every 10-15 minutes, I would advocate the notion of limiting commercials to one per hour...perhaps a 10-minute commercial halfway through the broadcast arch. Networks will simply demand an uber fee for the time slot and companies will pay this as they will have exclusive reign for those precious minutes. I think it has merit. How about encouraging all the major networks to be a vanguard for such an approach. All it takes is one progressive network to advance this; (2) Proposal No. 2 (for cable and satellite companies): Let's be blunt. We dole out hard earned wampum for the privilege of having what is, largely, crapola, somehow distilled down to some extreme, broad snapshot of what they think represents the prevailing community tastes (of course, at the absolute lowest investment for the cable/satellite firm choosing it). When you think about it though, everyone, or let's say, every household, has a unique viewer profile, with its own viewing preferences (e.g. badminton championships, old sitcoms, rainforest insect specials, whatever). I would like to push for a new approach, which I can visualize being very popular with consumers - fully customizable plans. Within this system, Joe Consumer is allotted (for the price point he chooses) x-many channels (perhaps further divided into sub-types like x-many "sports" channels, x-many "science" channels, et cetera), from which Joe chooses whatever specific channels that he damn well prefers, tailored to his distinctive tastes. How about a limited, target market beta run with this programming angle?
A fool and his money....where are those rabbit ears?
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